Poster Presentations 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
[1] Model-based Fault Diagnosis for in-Orbit Small Satellites in Constellation
Presenter: Ailin Barzegar
Keywords: Fault Diagnosis, Multi-agent Systems, Small Satellites
[2] Unrolled Compressed Sensing in the Application of Hyperpolarized 129Xe Ventilation MRI
Presenter: Mitra Tavakkoli
Keywords: Compressed sensing, MRI, Deep learning
[3] Torsional Buckling Analysis of Typical Polygonal Members: Parametric Study
Presenter: Shivanshi Gupta
Keywords: Parametric Study, Torsion, Polygonal sections
[4] Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Evaluation of a Novel Cuboid Hollow Fiber Hemodialyzer Design
Presenter: Yating Xu
Keywords: Cuboid hemodialyzer; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Flow distribution
[5] Upper Extremity Injury Tolerance To Behind Shield Blunt Trauma
Presenter: Liam Burrows
Keywords: Ballistic Shields, Injury, Upper-Extremity
[6] Usability Testing of the Effect of Smartphone Holder
Presenter: Roopak Sri Venkata Sai Madhavarapu
Keywords: Smartphone, Smartphone holder, Text-neck Symptoms, Usability Testing, Walking, EMG, Thumb Muscles
[7] Housing project in Ontario with unique means of construction: 3D printing
Presenter: Siddharth Popli
Keywords: 3D printed Housing, Additive Manufacturing, Automated Construction
[8] A Multi-Period Optimal Product-Platform Design Considering Stochastic Demand
Presenter: Md Sadman Sakib
Keywords: Product Platform, Hybrid Manufacturing, Stochastic Demand
[9] A Material-by-Design Approach to Develop Ceramic-and Metallic-Particle-Reinforced Ca-?-SiAlON Composites for Improved Thermal and Structural Properties
Presenter: Hasan Sohail Syed
Keywords: SiAlON, Spark Plasma Sintering, Mean-field homogenization
[10] Design and Analysis of a Monocoque for a Prototype Vehicle
Presenter: Yuvrajsinh Solanki
Keywords: Monocoque, Composite material, A Prototype Vehicle
Oral Presentations 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Materials and Surfaces
[1] Anti-Infective Surface Coating to Reduce Surface Transmission of Bacteria and Viruses
Presenter: Mya Sharma
Keywords: Hydrogels, Anti-infective, Coatings
[2] Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Coatings via Biomimetic Colloidal Techniques
Presenter: Kayla Baker
Keywords: Biomaterials, Solubilization, Dip-coating
[3] Effect of the End-of-Life (EOL) Content of High-Vacuum High-Pressure Die Cast Aural2 (AlSi10Mg-T7) on Corrosion Behaviour
Presenter: Yuki Ando
Keywords: Aluminum Alloy, Corrosion, Sustainability
[4] The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Performance of AlSi10Mg Produced Through Selective Laser Melting
Presenter: Youssef Salib
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Metallurgy; Mechanical Properties
Health and Biotechnology
[1] Smart Insole-based Sensor System for Plantar Pressure Distribution and Gait Analysis
Presenter: Sophini Subramaniam
Keywords: Health monitoring, Plantar Pressure, Gait
[2] Musculoskeletal Model of Gait Biomechanics After Proximal Femur Reconstruction for Sarcoma Cancer
Presenter: Fiona Madden
Keywords: Biomechanics, Musculoskeletal Model, Proximal Femur
[3] The CaT Stretcher: An Open-Source System for Delivering Uniaxial Strain to Cells and Tissues (CaT)
Presenter: Ryan Singer
Keywords: Lung, dynamic forces, in vitro
[4] 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) Characterization of Muscle in the Lower Leg of Endurance vs Power Athletes
Presenter: Alejandro Amador
Keywords: MRI, Muscle, Metabolism
Oral Presentations 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Computing, AI and Data
[1] Decision Making for Product Customization
Presenter: Carter Powell
Keywords: Customization, Machine Learning, Decision Support
[2] Multi-Mode Robust Appointment Scheduling for Uncertain Service Time and Random No-Show Using Min-Max Optimization
Presenter: Anik Chandra Dash
Keywords: Appointment Scheduling, Optimization, Min-max
[3] Enhanced Photon Detection Probability Model for Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes in TCAD with Machine Learning
Presenter: Xuanyu Qian
Keywords: Photon detection probability (PDP), Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), Machine learning (ML)
[4] Relative Macro Placement for Faster Physical Design Process
Presenter: Mohit Sharma
Keywords: Macro placement, Physical Design, Design Space Exploration
Energy, Environment, Water, and Sustainability
[1] Antifouling and Oxygen Permeability Properties of Zwitterionic Polymer Coatings for Long-Term Dissolved Oxygen Surface Water Monitoring
Presenter: Erik Fréchette
Keywords: Water, Fouling, Sensors
[2] Preservoir- Recharging Groundwater Efficiently
Presenter: Mihir Bhat
Keywords: Drought, Reservation, Recharger
[3] Polydopamine-Polyethylenimine, Copolymer Reinforced Electrically Conductive Membranes for Electrochemical Dye Degradation
Presenter: Abdelrahman Awad
Keywords: Conductive Membranes; Dye Degradation; Wastewater Treatment
[4] Improvement to an existing multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with setup carryover, backlogging and emission control
Presenter: Rifat Bin Hasan
Keywords: Multi-level Capacitated Lot-sizing, Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition, Greenhouse Emission Control